
Providing optimal quality control
to earn the trust of our customers.

All employees of Samyang Innochem are operating under an integrated management system where quality, environmental protection , safety, and health are the top priority policies in our management activities from production, sales, service, and the disposal of our products.

Quality Policy

Striving to provide safe products
to our customers by establishing
a policy of excellent quality.

Samyang Innochem regularly verifies and improves its product management system to continuously improve product quality for customer satisfaction.

Quality Policy

Basic Direction
  1. 1.

    Quality assurance for customer satisfaction.

  2. 2.

    Continuous improvement to reduce factors that harm the environment, safety, and health and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

  3. 3.

    Reflect on management review with a collection of environmental goals and detailed objectives for continuous improvement.

  4. 4.

    Actively promote 5R actions for environmental preservation, resource and energy-saving.

  5. 5.

    Grow and develop with trust from customers and stakeholders by creating a pollution-free, accident-free and disease-free workplace through our environmental, safety and health management system.

Continuous management of performance

To continuously improve quality, environmental protection, safety and health, conduct regular verification through self-assessment and maintain improvement.

Education, training and communication

In order to secure quality customer satisfaction and carry out duties in a safe and pleasant working environment, we conduct necessary education and training, promote employee morale and share information with stakeholders.

Research and development and application of optimally suited technology

In order to establish a management system and leap forward as an advanced corporation, we take the lead in R&D and utilization of optimal technologies.


Becoming Samyang Innochem,
approaching customers with the best quality

Samyang Innochem acquired its quality management system (ISO 9001) certification in 2015, established by the International Organization for Standardization and is implementing quality management.

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Posted on March 28, 2023

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